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Training Services

Employee Professional Development and Training

  • Mastering the BASICS- Professional decorum and etiquette are critical to successful customer service, employee engagement and organizational operations and reputation. Employees learn skills and techniques that align with professional engagement and presence within and outside of the organization.


  • Beyond the Interview- Navigating and establishing a positive presence 30, 60, 90 days and beyond.  Many employees assume the interview ends after they’ve been hired. The reality, it is during the following 30,60, 90 days employees either affirm or derail the employer’s hiring decision. Participants learn the practices and behaviors that align with establishing a positive reputation and positioning for further advancement. 


  • What are your organization’s Professional and Development Needs?W2 Communications can successfully design and facilitate training modules based on the organizational needs, goals, and objectives.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

  • Ssssshhhhh, let’s not discuss- Unconscious bias is a reality influencing behaviors and decisions within the professional environment. Participants engage in robust and thought-provoking dialogue and learn practices designed to deter behaviors based on unconscious bias regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, and individuals with disabilities.


  • The Expectation is assumed, Practice is Intentional- We all have individual and collective roles with ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion. Lack of knowledge and understanding can be the basis for DEI challenges within and external to the workplace. Participants will discuss relevant terms, personal and professional impact/influence and conduct an individual and organizational SWOT analysis based on diversity and inclusion.


  • What are your organization’s DEI Needs?- W2  Communications can successfully design and facilitate DEI training modules based on organizational needs, goals, and objectives.


Career and Professional Development Training

  • The Executive Ranks require an Executive Presence- Whether you are in middle  management or the C Suite, your knowledge, expertise, style, image, behavior, and methods of communicating are critical to your reputation and ability to lead as an  executive.  Learn the successful strategies that prepare you for career advancement and the ability to maintain executive presence.


  • Career lessons from Prince Rogers Nelson- Part of the Distinguishing Yourself Series, participants learn to apply the professional strategies the artist maximized throughout his successful career to their own respective roles and positions.


  • Some days you're Clair Huxtable, some days you’re Claire Underwood- The Professional Development Journey-Part of the Distinguishing Yourself Series, participants learn career skills and techniques that support professional growth and development based on fictional characters, Clair Huxtable of the Cosby Show and Claire Underwood of House of Cards.

Career and Professional Development Bootcamps

  • Get the Job! Individuals learn the mechanics of cover letter/resume design and follow-up engagement techniques. Customized templates are also included in the bootcamp presentation.


  • Ready, Set, Prep- Individuals are assessed and receive feedback based on a mock interview. Discussion includes attire consultation, interview documents/presentation slides and interview follow-up with prospective employer.


  • Don’t Self-Sabotage! -Many employees experience challenges as they fail to understand the importance of designing and implementing an action that plan that aligns and supports job expectations and responsibilities. Participants learn how to assess organizational culture, adapting to the boss’ style of leadership and engagement.

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